From here you can work your way through the park and the rest of the island, stumbling upon different levels that you can go into. You start off the game on the iconic Isla Nublar, right off the coast of Costa Rica. Instead the game presents itself as fairly open world in a sort of linear way. This isn’t the case in LEGO Jurassic World. From there you would spread out and explore the world one level at a time, always returning to your hub in order to make character tweaks and inventory adjustments. you would expect is to start the game inside of a level hub. If you’ve played prior LEGO titles then the typical M.O. This makes for a game that is deep in terms of content and wide in terms of scope with plenty to do and more to see. From there you are able to play through all three films proceeding it in order to get the full serving of Jurassic dinosaur action.

Jurassic World doesn’t just focus on giving you the experience from the newly released film as it instead opts to go all the way back to the legendary first film, and Michael Crichton novel, Jurassic Park. The charm is here in full force and immediately we were smiling once the game loaded. The LEGO team has divined the charm of their creation down to an easily applied skin and we’ve seen a ton of franchises get the benefit: Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Batman and now Jurassic World. Mixing puzzles with platformer segments, along with a steady stream of hack and slash combat, you maneuver your way through various block based worlds. So the LEGO games have always been focused on co-operative gameplay with players on the seat next to you. Here is our review for LEGO Jurassic World (cue Jurassic Park music). We found an interesting game that pushed the LEGO name in certain areas while falling woefully short in others. We picked up a copy of LEGO Jurassic World on the heels of the record breaking box office performance by the film. Fans can play these LEGO games as adults or with their children and they make great casual entries. The teams ability to blend fun with true-to-fan adaptation means that the games are appealing to just about every demographic. The LEGO series of video games has been, for years, one of the most consistently cashable franchises in all of entertainment. LEGO Jurassic World comes by way of developer TT Games with a release by Warner Bros.